A Tribute to My Dear Father (1933-2012) By Isa Ali Pantami

On Tuesday 23rd of Shawwal/1433AH (11th /09/2012 CE), my dear beloved and caring father- Alhaji Ali Ibrahim Pantami (or Alhaji Ali Kwadon), ‘Baba’ as fondly called by his children, passed on at the Federal Medical centre, Gombe, after an illness which started in the month of Ramadhan. He died around Zuhr time (1:00pm) and his funeral prayer was observed by 5:00pm at the Federal medical centre Jumu’ah Masjid, in which enormous crowd of people attended including our renowned religious scholars and respected personalities. Similarly, Shaykh Dahiru and many others admitted that, they were so impressed with the large number of attendance and crowd. He was subsequently buried at the new Gombe cemetery indirectly opposite to the Federal College of Education (Technical) Gombe. My only statement at this critical time of trial is the prophetic reminder to a person who looses his dear one, in which he (SAW) says: “It is for Allah what He takes, and what He gives; and everything before His sight has a limited and specific period”.
It was not my initial plan to write this tribute, but I was spiritually motivated to document it as a result of some reasons which include how visitors sincerely, but emotionally praised his virtues and mentioned good things about him. In line with this, there was a day; some of the companions were together with the Prophet (SAW) when some people passed with a funeral. Some people praised the dead person with encomiums. The Prophet instantly (SAW) said: “It is his right”. After a while, another funeral was passed with, and the same people made ugly comments about the second deceased. The Prophet (SAW) subsequently said, “It is his right”. The companions demanded more clarification. Then the Prophet said that, in the case of the first dead person, it is his right to enter Paradise, and in the case of the second dead person, Hellfire is his right”. The Prophet (PBUH) amazingly said, “You are Allah’s witnesses on earth” (Agreed upon by Bukhari & Muslim).
The elating and inspiring message from this prophetic reminder is that, it is highly commendable to articulate, broadcast and amplify the virtues, qualities and credits of a dead person. And as extensively demonstrated and displayed by the Prophet in the prophetic reminder, amplifying and voicing out the qualities of the dead person contribute to his success in the hereafter. And for the younger ones, it will serve as a role model for symbolisation and emulation as it was said by Bn Mas’ud (RA): “Symbolise those who died, because the living person has no guarantee over calamity and affliction”.
I wish to mention some virtues and qualities of my beloved and dear father as mentioned by his associates, friends and well-wishers during their condolence visit and which I aptly witnessed them in my living with him throughout my life. And this is only our testimony, but judgement belongs to Allah alone.
First, truthfulness: he had been a man of truth by his words and actions. He always tried to be truthful in any decision he takes in his life. A close associate of his for over 50 years, Alhaji Mamman Dankade said, whenever we see a truth and intended to convey it to others and found it difficult because of its bitterness, we turned back to him- Alhaji Ali Pantami and requested him to convey it, and he always did it without fear or favour. He stood by the truth and justice even against himself or his children. He used to say, “Nafadi gaskiya na mutu dalilinta yafi na fadi karya narayu a duniya” meaning “to speak the truth and die because of it, is more pleased to me than to speak lie and live in this world”. By Allah I will not recall a single time, he lied to anybody including his spouse(s) and children.
Second, congregational prayers: during the condolence visit at home, some of his bosom friends, including their “mu’azzin” testified that, “since the establishment of their Masjid in 1990, he does not recall a single prayer that was observed while Alhaji Ali Pantami was not in the first row (Assafful-Auwal) of the prayer” as long as was in the town safe and sound. The “mu’azzin” of the Masjid added that, for a very long time he had considered Alhaji Ali Pantami as his watch for indicating times of obligatory prayers, for him to stand up and call the prayer. In addition to that, his neighbour, Alhaji Ibrahim Bura emphasised that, “not only in one Masjid, but in this entire neighbourhood, his passing-by was always indicating to us a beginning time for obligatory prayers.” More interestingly, until his death, he always humbled himself in prayers and observed supererogatory prayers before and after the obligatory congregational ones. He mostly, if not always remained in the Masjid between Magrib and Isha prayers.
Third, voluntary prayers in the night: it is an open secret to all who lived with him in the same home or compound that, he used to wake up in the night by 2:00am worshipping till Subhi (Morning Prayer). Our brothers have unanimously agreed that, none of them has ever recalled a night that had passed without him waking up by 2:00am and observed voluntary and supererogatory prayers. He spent most of his time in observing prayers, supplications and reciting portions of the Glorious Qur’an. It was our tradition, when we lived at home that, if anyone of us wanted to wake up in the night for prayers, assignment, reading in preparation for examination or any serious issue. We would only give him the exact time, and by Allah he used to wake each and everyone at his requested time. We have unanimously not remembered a single day that he failed to wake us up according to our requests.
Fourth, voluntary fasting: he had constantly and consistently been observing voluntary fasting on Thursdays and Mondays. He used to say “I am more comfortable while observing voluntary fasting than eating excellent meal”. His neighbours in the market would eat food on Mondays and Thursdays without inviting him to join them as all of them knew his tradition. In addition to that, it had become manifest that, he used to partake in all activities with all “seriousness”, “excellence” and “consistency”. These are the three words that aptly captured his tradition in pursuing and performing his actions.
Fifth, community service: when he actively joined business in the late 70s, as a regional dealer of brand new Yamaha, he single-handedly initiated the idea of electrifying Pantami ward and financed the struggle and even the project. I recall with nostalgia that he had been travelling to Jos/Kaduna for the purpose until his mission was accomplished. People of Pantami ward and other wards in Gombe metropolis began to witness and see electricity physically in our family house, when it was electrified, tested and commissioned. Then later, the project spread to other wards and communities in the entire ward. This project was initiated and completed within his resources fisabilil Laah without any external material gain. His philanthropic activities extremely touched the lives of many people in the 1970s and early 1980s when he was actively into business as a merchant. Some of them only came to us during condolence visit at our family house in Pantami ward and poured their encomiums.
Furthermore, he laid the foundation of building the pioneer primary school in Pantami ward (previously known as Malam-kuri Primary school). And after the establishment of the school, he was unanimously appointed as the chairman of Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) of the school.
Sixth, caring and monitoring his family: until his death, he has been a very caring father who monitors his children regardless of the age they reached or position they attained worldly or religiously. Even his friends and relatives testified to his quality of caring not only to his children only, but even to them. He always encourages you in partaking and pursuing what is good and avoiding what is evil and harmful. He had always been spending whatever he had in taking care of his family. To the best of our knowledge, nobody has ever complained to him about lack of caring in words or in spending what he had for his family. Our mothers only complained to him about his excess spending (in beneficial things), not about withholding. His priority in spending and caring had been in “education”, “health” and “food”.
Seventh, appreciation and kindness: until his death, he has been appreciative of any little good you have done to him in kind or in cash. It had been his tradition to supplicate for you at home for an hour if you gave him a small and meagre amount of money. In addition to that, I remember he used to tell his family a gesture of slippers he got from someone since 1961CE while he could afford millions of them at that time. And even after that person had died, he had frequently and timely visited the family of the deceased. He easily and willingly spent two thousand Naira (N2000), in the cause of appreciating a gesture of only five hundred Naira (N500).
By Allah, I saw him as a practical demonstration of “Suratul –Muminun” from verse 1-10 0f the Glorious Qur’an. After his death, I have been pondering and making comparative analysis between his actions and what his associates witnessed with him with the description of Glorious Qur’an about the qualities of believers from “Qad’aflahal Muminun up to wal lathina hum ala salawaatihim yu haafizun”. In the final analysis, I came to realise and believe that he aptly demonstrated the qualities in words and actions. The last but not the least about my dear father’s personality, he is a great role model and a source of inspiration. He was neither a prophet nor an angel; he lived as an ordinary mortal in this world. And As a result, he was neither infallible nor impeccable. May Allah forgive his shortcomings, limitations and mistakes and may He have mercy on him.
I am extremely grateful and thankful to all those who cared to condole us with their heartfelt condolence during this period of trial and grief. I am sincerely grateful to all those who had been trooping to our family house from far and near. Special thanks go to Shaykh Muhammad Sani Yahya Jingir (National Chairman of JIBWIS council of ulamah) who in spite of his tight schedule compelled himself to visit us at our family house in Pantami and many respected personalities too numerous to mention. Kindly forgive me for that; by Allah you are always in my supplication for such a great honour and I am most appreciative and spiritually touched. Respected members of many Google groups. My friends and associates on my many facebook(s) particularly the one created and managed by my beloved student, Ibrahim Abu-Fadhima titled as “Sheikh Isa Ali Pantami”. After posting the breaking news of my father’s death, as at the time of writing this mail, there are over twelve thousand, seven hundred (12,700) comments and over three thousand, five hundred (3500) likes. Many people called on phone from within and outside the country, whilst others sent text messages or e-mailed me. I am most appreciative and my dear father needs more supplications from you now and always. My final word to you all is “Jazaakumul-Laahu khairan”.
Isa Ali Pantami,
PhD Candidate (Computing & IT) United Kingdom,
Lecturer, ATB University, Bauchi, Nigeria.
E-mail: isapantami@yahoo.com,
26/11/1433H (12/10/2012G)